Sunday, February 20, 2011

our intrams

Our school,TUMCS celebrate 26 foundation anniversary.And evryone is excited about the foundation week. On the first day,We,Juniors,Show our amazint talent in dancing the, Modern Dance,Cheering , and the Ballroom.The representative of Juniors in Modern Dance is us,The 3 Rebekah, but  we are lost but it is ok.Inthe Cheering,our representative is the 3Leah,the pilot sections,they made it. They won the Cheering Competition.And our representative in BAllroom is the 3 Rachel,and they made it too.thats what you call a JUNIORS POWER!!

On the 2nd day, the sports fest began.3rd-4th day,our team in basketball enter to the finals and the rachel in the volleyball enter to yhr finals too.
On the last day.The Announcer Announce who is the winner in different sports.We won in the Basketball.thank you for the selected boys of Rebekah who played and win  on the basketball.The Rachel won in Volleyball too.Rachel and Rebekah won on the  Basketball and Volleyball because of their  Teamwork ,strategies,and their determination to win the sports..

The 3rdplace goes to the Yellow team.The 2nd place goes to the Green team and the overall champion goes to the Blue very glad that i am a blue team

1 comment:

  1. Jean Red, mind editing your work.
    Keep on writing.
