Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Discrimination

Let me first tell what is the meaning of the word Dicrimination.DISCRIMINATION is To treat one particular group of people less favourably than others because of their race, colour, nationality, or ethnic or national origin. T. For example, staff at a shop in Blackburn had to wear a uniform skirt, but an Asian woman worker refused for religious reasons. A tribunal found the shop guilty of indirect discrimination, because a large number of Asian women would not be able to comply with the rule.
i experience my Discrimination when i transfer in Methodist(TUMCS).I don't have any friends before except Aljohn(my classmate in grade school).I feel so alone before,i am shy to talk with them,i can't join with their trips,can't join join with their laughing time and their topics ,shy to ask with them about the lesson and many more.One time, i experience a whole day without asking or Talking with them so i just seat in my chair for almost a whole day.I feel i'm not belong with this School.So i talk to myself,i can't live with this School without a friends,i should be friendly!!.Then i do that ,i try to be Friendly, try to control my patience and every night ,to be a good friend,and everynight, i always pray tha,t i want to have a lots of friendsso i must enjoy my HighScool life.A couples of month later ,a have a lots of friends.thanks to God, he always their for us just pray. 
I also experience my discrimination in my past school St.Francis(SFAMSC).they are always tease me a fatbot, a pig, a big boy,i don't know what to do so, i just cry and go to a silence place. Everyday,they always tease me,so i just ignore it,i learn in myself to be a Patience person,a Strong person.A couples of month later,they not tease me already because i know how to fight with them and how to defend myself with my classmates that is a very good teasers.If they tease me,i will tease them too.
To Escape with our Discrimination,First,we shold know our problem,Second,try to change that attitud eand Third,change our attitude. :))

1 comment:

  1. You have a lot to share, it's just a matter of organizing them that hinders you from coming up with a good composition.
    Your sincerity surfaces though. Keep on writing Jean Red.
