Saturday, July 16, 2011


 Who is Achilles? 
      Achilles,a legendary Warrior who fought in the Trojan wars.Son of the mortal Peleus and the nymph of Thesis.He is immortal because when he was a child,his mother dip him in the Styx River while holding by his left ankle. Therefore, the only portion of him that is not immortal is his heels and that is his weakness.

     Achilles seek revenge against Proclus and Hector because this two man executed his friend.He is Planning to kill Hector Where his life serves as the exchange for his friend's death.And the fight had began, Achilles defeat Hector  by driving the spear point through his tender neck.

And when Hector is loosing his stength and dying, he said this line:
            by your knees,your parents--don't let dog eat me
            by Achaean ships. No you should accept 
            all the bronze and gold you might desire,
            gifts my father and lady mother you give you,
            if you'll send my body home again,
            so Trojans and Trojans' wives can bury me,
            with all the necessary funeral rites"   
                 ( 22.440-449.230)

Then the brutal Achilles replied:           
            "Don't whine to me,you dog, about my knees
              or parents. I wish I had the heart and strength
             to carve you up and eat you raw myself
             for what you've then we done to me.So there's no one
            who'll keep the dogs from going at your head,
            not even if they bring here and weigh out
            a ransom ten or twenty times as much ,
            with promises of more,or if Priam,
             son of Dardanus, says he'll pay your weight in gold.
           Not even then will your mother 
           set you on a funeral bed and there lament
           the son she bore. Instead, the dogs and birds 
           will eat you up( 22.450-459.230)
    And Hector was no longer alive and his soul is fly off to Hades.But Achilles is not  yet convince, he torture Hector even if Hector is no longer alive.And this is the Proof how Achilles is so brutal:"Achilles finished. Then on the noble Hector's corpse
          he carried out a monstrous act.He cut through 
          the tendons behind both feet ,from heel to ankle,  
          threaded them with ox-hide thongs, and then tied these
          onto his chariot, leaving the head to drag behind.
         He climb up in his chariot, brought on splendid  armour,
          then lashed his horses .They sped off eagerly, 
         dragging Hector. A dust cloud rose above him,
        his dark hair spread out around him, and Hector's head ,  
       once so handsome, was covered by the dust, for Zeus   
         had given him to his enemies to dishonour
        in his own native land. So all his head grew dirty
            (22. 520-529.230-231)  


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